1,4 mill Russian TT account for sale

Country of followers (majority): Russia
Amount of fans/followers: 1,4 million with 25,5 mill likes
Topic/Niche: Used to be explosion videos (all it archive now) , videos of crazy explosions with trendy music, very high engagement
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): None, it grew organically over many years


TT account with Russian followers, high engagement, videos are in archive but can be un archived again, or the account can get used for new content, generally the posts will be shown in the location that someone posts from, but keep in mind that the account’s following is majorly Russian.

Original email is attached. Phone number needs to get changed to the new user during the sale’s process. New user can keep the original email. It’s a massive account and the less changes the better.
Is eligible for all programs, as well as 3 minute videos.

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