1 Million UAE Luxury Instagram Page / Cheap / 10% USA

Country of followers (majority): International
Amount of followers: 1 Million
Topic/Niche: Luxury / News / UAE
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Engagement Networks

One of the favourite pages in my network, gets occasional sponsors without too much effort, although it’s inactive, I have a staff member currently managing it, his contact details can also been given as he’s lovely to work with and charges fairly. Most promotions so far are from OF managers and occasional luxury brands, had talks with bigger brands but not all went through as it’s inactive. Private message for any questions you may have or an offer. Audience and activity is reflected in the price. This page is not active.

Very fun perk: Also can be used to gain free Club tables / restaurants , as I’ve done in most major cities I’ve been too. So one of my favourite pages to have owned :joy:


Can you send the latest 3 post individual insights?

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Interested please send me the link

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Pm please