100K Monetized YT, Silver button is available to claim immediately

Amount of subscribers: 100.000
Country of subscribers (majority): Mexico
Topic/Niche: Memes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organically

Description: Selling youtube channel with an original content of memes, it has 100 k real subscribers, silver button could be collected, redeem code is ready to clime.Channel is monetized, could earn a decent amount of money if you will post the organic content ( memes ). Channel is free from strikes and warnings. Mainly male audience 18+, recently not that active, estimated revenue approximately 2200$.
Price is negotiable.
Payment method: Cryptocurrency (usdt)

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Traffic source:- last 28 days, last 90 days, last 365 days and lifetime
Channel deshboard sreenshot.


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@SabbirAkondo Sent :raised_hands:


@king89 Sent :raised_hands:

Link pls

@unclek sent

link please?

sent @squidboys