111k instagram account in Cat niche Top USA

Price: 1700$
Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 111k
Topic/Niche: Cats
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Follow Unfollow
Description: It is an amazing account in a cat niche with a great engagement. It never was monetized. Even though I get shoutout offers and it’s easy money, but I was afraid to harm my engagement so I turned them all down.
But there is a lot of possibilities to make good money with this account with right monetization skills. I used follow-unfollow method until I reached around 10k followers and from that on it’s all organicall growth.

Engagement rate: 22.63%
Average likes: 24,896.80
Average comments: 191.40

handle please

It’s 102k now

PM username

Really interested, handle please

pm me

username please

PM username

PM handle, please. Thanks.

PM The handle and best price please

Pm Handle plz

PM me

Handle please, am interested

Sorry guys, but I will send handle only to verified users.

Username please

pm handle please - very interested can buy today

The account reached 109k.

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whats the handle, average story views, and best offer so far?