105,210 Premium Facebook Fan Page


Country of followers (majority): 105,210
Amount of followers: USA
Topic/Niche: Love/Relationship to monkey pet
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic + Shared on my other Pages


Hint: all my videos uploaded is genuine original taping myself and no one else beside who uploaded it the first time on fb. But I have no clue why fb give it a reason of unoriginal content. So, need to get rid of fb by selling out this page

Fresh Short name and never monetized in any way, the page previously was about love/relationship quote and I bought it later in the hope to rebrand it into monkey pet video (ORIGINAL VIDEO Taping by me) but somehow, the Ads Break status become “Not Eligible” which I have no idea why causing this and I have no clue to deal with it. So, I just resale this out to someone who can manage it. The page reach really amazing.

No Ghost or Link Ban
Page can be renamed and merged ( Never merged or renamed)
Give me your Best offer and Take it.


Hi, link please.

Link, and last price

Page link please

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