112K followers twitter accounts with 113M monthly views and very high interaction

Country of followers (majority): USA, Brazil, Mexica
Amount of fans/followers: 107K
Topic/Niche: Art, Aesthetic, Nature, Architectural, Art History
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes

Description: The page has a very active audience. It is growing very steadily and rapidly. It has 100M views per month. Since my work is very busy, I can no longer spare time for the page. I’m sure it will continue to thrive in the hands of someone who will take care of it.

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BUMP 84.6

Handle pls

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BUMP 105.3K (Gained 20K followers in 1 day)

Bump 107K

Handle and current offer?

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Current offer?

Bump 108K

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Pm me link

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Dm pls


Still available?
