114k+ YouTube Channel

Amount of subscribers: 114,930
Country of subscribers (majority): Brazil
Topic/Niche: Music
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: Was demonetized couple weeks ago, and just looking to get off my hands.

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Willing to sell for $600. Want this off my hands.

pm me the handle please im interested

Still for sale, $600.

Why the channel is curently ineligible for montization ?

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I uploaded a video that detected in system as reused content lol. If you look at channel all videos are original content.

Still for sale, very cheap and want off my hands.

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This is still for sale.

I will do $500 today.

Link please

I sent you link, lmk.

Still for sale.

Can you send me the link? Thanks!
Also is the Silver Playbutton claimed yet?

I´m interested in this. Could you please send me the Channel ID or link of Channel?
Thank you.

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