116k subs channel

Amount of subscribers: 116K
Country of subscribers (majority): Egypt
Topic/Niche: Entertainment
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
Description: Selling my youtube channel with organic subs, never botted, most of subs are from Egypt.
Silver button available.
Monetization is turned off but it can be applied in few weeks again.
Main video has 20M+ views and its not copyrighted.
This channel is perfect for someone who is looking for some passive income with minimal time and money invested.

Custom URL.


Please send me the link to the channel and price

Please send info

I will give you 200 usd

I will pm u

Hmm, i cant accept your offer.

PM me your price and link of channel

Best offer $850

I will offer $500

Please PM your price and link to the channel.

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