122k subs Monetized Youtube channel

Country of followers (majority): Vietnam
Amount of fans/followers: 121k
Topic/Niche: People
Promotion methods used? (Organic,.Engagement Networks):

Description: I would like to Sale my Monetized 121k channel .Best offer…No strikes…!
Revenge Screenshot_20191024-120502|282x500


Pm link please

removed By mod. Please do not share the url in public


pm thanks

Pm link i’m interested, does it have any strike?

Could I get a link to the channel, a picture of the status page and an estimate of monthly gains?

Hi Kozzy,

I’m interested in buying your channel.

Could you provide me the link and other stats of the channel please?


Please send me a link.

Vhannel link?

Please can you send link, and last 12 months earning stats?

Interested to buy. But who keeps the silver play button?


I want to buy. Link, please.

Send me details

Channel link please

can I get a link ?

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