136K Cat Page - High Growth - US Audience - Always Ranking On Explore

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 136K
Topic/Niche: Pets / Cats
Does it include the OG (original) email?: YES
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Get 10-12 request for paid promotions a week, growing fast will reach 150K in weeks
•IGTV Monetisation incoming
•Stories, Reels and Posts ALL HIT EXPLORE PAGE
Reply USERNAME and I’ll PM you the username!


Username please

PMing you right away boss

Share the insights of last week and not last 2 years

Insights are from September 13-19

post activity page - change from 2 years to 7 days

username plz

ill send it right away sir!

Username pls

ill send it to you right awat sir


Send username please

Ok sir sending, check your notifications

Send handle please. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sent to your sir

Why has the account lost over 20,000 followers in the past few months?

The posting on this account was resumed in the last 1.5 - 2 months, after a long hiatus

Audit report available if anyone wants to look even further into the insights/metrics

I buy pet promos, if interested please pm me.

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username please