14.8k subs monetized, original email, no strikes, not botted, organic, bought from original owner

Amount of subscribers: 14800
Country of subscribers (majority): Kazakhstan
Topic/Niche: Games
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: AdSense monetization channel, no strikes, no violations, not botted, not scam, original email, good statistics, the channel has a lively and active audience, an excellent channel for shooting copyright videos. Mostly regular streams with huge donations take place on the channel. If you want to become a streamer, then this is the ideal option for you. Also, there are videos on the channels, and from time to time you need to shoot them. The main income I received from the donations on the stream. The channel was purchased directly from the owner, so there is no risk of the owner recovering the channel. For more information, contact me.


Interested buying Pm

how can someone get 14k subs from just 133k views lol.
did u buy botted subs and trying to resell?

i have seen several channels in the 10k+ subs range and all them had atleast a couple of million views

magic. i can proof that channel not botted


u have 133k organic views yes.
but u can’t prove ur 14k subs aren’t botted

upload a video and let’s see how many views u get from ur 14k subs

nobody gets 14k subs with 133k views lol

1 Like

Videos was promoted from my other big channel


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