140K Followers Super Active with HIGH Incomes

Country of followers (majority): Philipines , United State
Amount of followers:140k
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):Organic, Promotion

Description:So this page is build from 0 from march 2017… total of 140k followers around 34k are with paid promotion direct with facebook advertising. Also some are from TOP celebrity shares ( Snoop Dog, The Game, Ludacris etc ).

Page is with AdBrake enable and until now there is around 40k incomes. ( For the moment is restricted monetization for 90 days )
Page is for a new NBA superstar so there is still potential to come from the page since this is his 3rd year in NBA, where he is expected to level up his profesionalisme.

Only reason why i’m selling his page is that im think moving my investment on local store in my country.

Can you send me the page link?


Send me a link and price





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