Country of followers (majority): United States
Amount of followers: 173,837 followers
Topic/Niche: Fashion
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): S4S

Description: This account is a well-established fashion blog providing style inspiration to youth. Pictures used include outdoor shots, young angelic people, couples and people enjoying nature.

I’m ready to buy - can you send the handle?

Send handle please, with the top countries by % , and the average story views

Send me the name please

Handle pls.

Please send me the handle. Thank You

edited by staff

Please check your PM @shop_lmichele - Until you show us some proof, please don’t accuse people.

Handle and last price

Handle and last pri cd

I am really interested - send me the name please.

Can you please send the handle?

Account has been sold