2.1M Faceless Channel. US, EU Demographic. $4.5M Lifetime Revenue. Flexible Niche

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Amount of subscribers: 2.1M
Country of subscribers (majority): USA & Europe
Topic/Niche: Humor/Memes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Ready to be repurposed into any niche. English speaking audience with majority of them from USA and Europe (check screenshots). High CPM.
Originally it was a Humor/Memes related faceless channel. So it can be repurposed into any niche content. Got busy with my other projects so channel got claimed for reused by YTP for using memes.
This can be easily avoided if using commentary/transformative editing. I just can’t be bothered as I’m invested into my other channels so selling this for bargain.
It was a long form video content hence the high CPM, so higher earning potential.
Can be turned into cashcow as well as the original content was automated faceless anyway.
Only serious buyers please.

Hello, I have serious interesting about buy your account. can you send me link? and is it monetize?

(post deleted by author)

Interested, can i get the link
