20,2k - Active Quotes Account - US Majority - OGE Included

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 20,200
Topic/Niche: quotes
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes.
Promotion methods used: Organic

Hello! I am selling my quotes niche account. It used to be stories/meme account related to music band but I decided to change the niche some time ago. It currently gets about 2-3k likes but it could perform way better with the right hashtags.

PM your price and profile url I’m interested


Current offer: $150.

Still accepting offers.

please pm handle

1 Like


Hey , Iam offering 130$

Current offer is already higher.

handle and highest offer please

1 Like

Can you send me the handle and final price. thanks!

How can buy this through swapd

I want swaps to be the middle man only released the money to the seller ones I have receive what I pay for


Handle please

Kindly send over the handle please, thank you.

$165 handle please

PM me handle and current best offer please

Handle please and current offert


Has this sold yet? Let me know. I’ll offer $250