20K Gaming Twitter Account for sale. made 2018, Active

Country of followers (majority): 1. USA 2. UK
Amount of fans/followers: 20,800
Topic/Niche: Gaming.
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):


Only reason for low numbers this month is because of my inactivity. looking to sell this account as soon as possible to start my business. in a really bad spot for money and a generous offer is so very appreciated, thank you! :smiley:

Usual reach is 500k per month, up to 1M if your tweets are well constructed and posted often.

Can we see those months where you reached 1m?

How much r u looking for

Dm username please

still available ? willing to buy asap

Dm me the username and how much youโ€™re looking for wanna buy asap.

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