21k active Model page for quick sale

Country of followers (majority): International
Amount of fans/followers: 21k
Topic/Niche: Model
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): organic

Description: This is a model page which can be greatly utilized to it’s fullest!! Page was recently changed to a business page so has no impressions yet due to lack of a new post… OG email is not available but comes with the new email which makes it super safe! Price is also very affordable… Accept BTC payments only!

Handle please




Still up… if you can offer around 140$ for it dm Asap!!

Buddy, this doesn’t make it super safe.


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I know, it’s just like an assurance the account is safe so far it’s coming from me… and thanks👍

Acct still up for sale