260K Tourism Page. Premium Username. Over 1.7M Hashtags

Country of followers (majority): 9% Brazil, 6% United States, 6% India
Amount of fans/followers: 261.000
Topic/Niche: Tourism, Travel
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Hashtags/Engagement Networks):
Also with OG Mail
Description: 260K Tourism Page. Premium Username. Over 1.7M Hashtags great for tourism and travel. 67% Women

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Pm username and price please


Sure with OG Mail

handle and best price please

Username and price

handle please. thanks!

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whats the handle?

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May i know your offer please

I cant make an offer without knowing the username…

Are you looking for a trade? I have a nice facebook fanpage available.

Hello. May i know it whoch page please so i can check it ?

Sure, please get yourself ID verified for the link. Thanks.

Handle plz

are you going to PM me the handle, so that I can make an offer?

Handle please, very interested:)

Handle please

handle please

Hello, please send me your username and what is the highest offer. Thank you :slight_smile:

handle plz