300k active quote page for sale

Country of followers (majority): United States
Amount of followers: 300,758
Topic/Niche: quotes
Does it include the OG (original) email?: yes
Promotion methods used? paypal (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): SFS

Description: I also have a website i built with it that i drop shipped with and made

over $600 in 3 days with. I have no time for this account anymore so that’s basically why I’m selling. OGE included.

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Pm me username and price

Please edit the property URL & price into the designated boxes in your listing, thank you.

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Hello. Please send me the @ and the BIN price.

Handle pm

Handle and best price please.

Can I get the handles and best price?

pm user name bro

pm me the handle please.

pm username and price

Could I get the handle please.

Handle please

Handle please

Kindly send handle, thank you.

hi do you selling promotions ? im interested if you do.

Handle please

Send me the @ please. Along with amount of story views the page gets

Please share the handle with me as well. Thank you.

please pm @/ handle