33K bernese moutain dog page for sale, oge included

Country of followers (majority): US
Amount of followers: 33,000
Topic/Niche: Bernese Mountain Dog, specific dog breed.
Does it include the OG (original) email?: yes, it does.
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): f4f when first starting, organic since then.

Description: A great page with a great community around it! Focused around Bernese Mountain Dogs, clean username too. gets feature requests daily.

can also come with a domain + shopify store to easily start monetize the page, the domain is theusername. com so it adds value as welll :smiley:

bump :slight_smile:

still available! Price is negotiable so don’t hold yourself because of it!
send me a message and I’m sure we can agree on a price we’re both comfortable with :smiley: