38k YouTube Compilation channel USA Majority - $1200

Amount of subscribers: 38,500
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Public Freakout Compilations
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
Description: I’m selling this channel because I don’t really have time to put into it anymore, it has made a total of $13k in lifetime revenue, but now I am focusing on another channel

Willing to negotiate

Warning! Your listing is missing key data!

Seller, we please ask you to update your listing and include the demographics of your fans/followers/traffic. Showing potential buyers what countries are your followers from will save you (and them) a lot of time. This is your only warning, we will remove the listing if you don’t comply in a timely manner.

Thank you for listing on SWAPD and good luck with sales. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any other active admin.

Pm link asap


Account link and last 28 day views and watch time would be awesome

Can I have the channel URL? Does this channel have any strikes? How many views did this channel receive in the last 28 days?

Pm me the name

Hi I well Buy it

Hello can you send me your link please
I’m very interested



Link please

Check inbox

I’m interested can you send me the link please

link and current price plz

Can you dm me the link please

Hi, can you send me a link? I am very interessted, if the cahnnel is monetized I can buy the channel for 1000$ right away

Is it monetised and link pls?

also wondering, pm details please

PM me