45k+ Golden Retriever IG page for sale

Country of followers (majority): Usa 15%
Amount of followers: 45k+
Topic/Niche: Dog
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: Originally listed for 300$, gained 10k followers since then and the account has seen a massive rise in reach. For those reasons I have increased tbe price.


Bump 24.2k now

Bump 26.9k now


Bump 31k now!

Bump 36k now

Bump 39k now 11m weekly reach. A couple reels going viral too

Bump 41k now

Bump 44k now

1 Like

I’ll buy it right now for $200.

I know it’s below your listing price but the listing has been up for some time.

Let me know if you’re interested. Easiest sale you’ll make. :+1:

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Bump Still available!

Bump still available