55k entrepreneur page

Country of followers (majority): india (29.9%) usa (25%)
Amount of followers: 55.3k
Topic/Niche: entrepreneurship
Does it include the OG (original) email?: no
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): organic/s4s/engagement networks


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Hey please send @ and price.

Can you link me to your IG

Username please

Don’t reveal the username publicly

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Please send username

PM me the username & current best offer

Can you send over the @ and current offer please.


Handle please

PM handle pls

PM link please

Edited by a mod.

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Please pm handle. You wont answer me.

If this is still for sale please PM me the username

Please send me the handle

Hey! If what is the offer right now? can you send me the handle as well?

handle and current offer?

handle and price please

Username and price

Handle? I’m interested in purchasing