575k+ account for sale (Cars niche)

Country of followers (majority): USA (44%)
Amount of followers: 575k+
Topic/Niche: Cars
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):

Description: Selling an active cars account with a great username. The demographics are insane, especially for an account of this size. Stories get 30-50k views on average. With the account, you get access to the best DM group for cars (25 accounts, all 300k+ followers). Feel free to message me if you need more info.

please be serious with your offers. i currently have an offer for $13500, but an account with these demographics is worth more, and i am in no rush to sell.

Pm the links and more insights if you have.

Please PM me the @. Just curious.


Although activity wise it’s not breaking records for a 500K account, most of the engagement looks genuine. Would need further audits.

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  • account is at 592k atm :slight_smile:

link and expected price pls

the account just got the option to REQUEST VERIFICATION*

This is nothing special. All accounts now have the option to “Request Verification.” Its part of a new Instagram update.

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