578K Subscribers Active Verified Tech Channel (39 Million Views in the last 28 Days)

Amount of subscribers: 578,000+
Country of subscribers (majority): India, Indonesia
Topic/Niche: Tech
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: This channel is not only verified but also has activity absolutely through the roof. Since being started earlier this year, this channel has garnered over 676 million views and is still getting extremely high activity without uploading, having received 39m+ views in the past 28 days. It is not monetized through YPP, though it is eligible to apply. Although this is a shorts channel, it could easily be converted to a tech channel.

The $331.74 Revenue was from the Shorts fund in September

Price: Best Offer

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what’s the link ?


Hey my friend, is this channel still available? If yes, please send me the link and your (affordable) price. Thank you.

Hey, sold already!