66k subs monetized channel Usa

(upload://AhwLx4om7M3hpM0CnxNOqB8wm1n.jpeg) Amount of subscribers: 66000
Country of subscribers (majority): Usa
Topic/Niche: Dino
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Pay methods: paypal or btc
If you using paypal price + fee
If you using btc all okey

sell monetized youtube channel

Whats best offer so far and link please

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why haven’t you been earning anything from this even though it says “monetized” ? What’s the matter? :slight_smile:

just monetization has been turned on recently

I will buy it with $30 CND

Hi please PM me I’m intrested

no thank you


PM Link and asking price.

still available

PM me please with price

Send PM

50 USD for it

Pm link please

good joke

it seems dead and there should be at least some revenue if monetized not 0 lol

He is not dead

link please and stats for past 28

I changed information or photos in my post

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