68K Following Twitter Account In Comedy Niche

Property type: Twitter Account
Amount of fans/followers: 68,500 Followers
Fanbase Location: Predominately United States
Niche: Comedy/Memes
Price: $240 USD

Overview: This Twitter account has a fan base built around funny memes. 90% of the followers are based in top tier countries including the United States, UK, Australia, and Canada, and most followers fit into the 18-24 year old demographic.

Tweets on this account reach 1000-2500 people each depending on quality and relevancy. They tend to get anywhere from 150-600 total engagements each as well which is great. Over the last 28 days, the account has had 109 tweets published to it and received 200,000+ tweet impressions plus 6500 profile views. It could easily hit half a million monthly tweet impressions if the buyer of the account consistently publishes 10+ tweets daily :slight_smile:

Please send us a PM or comment below if interested! We are looking to get $240 USD for the account.



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Still for sale :slight_smile:

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I am interested but I want to see the account

Sent you a PM with the handle and more info :slight_smile:

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PM details !!

please PM details!

Is this account still available? Can you please pm details


Pm me details and I’ll buy

Please lock @MeG or @Vincent. Extremely old topic.