82.8k model/celeb page for sell

Country of followers (majority): U.S. & India
Amount of followers: 82.8k
Topic/Niche: celeb
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): organic

Description: Hello! I am selling this celeb niche page with great engagement & og email is included! Thank you

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Can you make this listing premium please @SWAPD

How you can ask to make this premium when you don’t even provided enough data / screenshot with your audience, location etc… :joy:

Guess what! I just asked them, didnt give any orders to them😂

& if you want more stats, you can ask me

Upload screenshots with insights top location, age range, gender, growth, impressions etc… that will help SWAPD to make a decision if your account is premium or not, and also will help you too sell the account faster because the potential buyer will have an idea about what your account is, so both of you will save time.

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Thank you