835K Facebook Page With Trademark And Domain - Very Active

Property type: Facebook Page
Amount of fans/followers: 835,000
Country of followers: USA - 75%, CAN - 4%, UK - 4%, AUS - 3%
Topic/Niche: Mommy Page
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic & S4S
Price: Best Offer

Description: Looking for a great home for our Facebook page. Very active. People ask questions, you post them on the page, and other people answer the questions. Page is growing a few thousand likes per week.

Comes with a United States Registered Trademark and domain name.

Was going to build out the page into a website but never got around to it. The future owner can look at doing this.



Recent posts: * I can’t seem to load earlier posts at the moment but will update when I can.



Here is an update for the past week from Feb 18 to Feb 24:

Here is what a typical day (Feb 22) looks like:


pm me info!

What is the name of the FB page? I’m interested in your offer.

url please

URL please

can you give me the url and price estimate

Please send your URL, thank you

V.interested - please send url and best price

PM url please

Interested! Could you please send the link?

url please.

Can you please share the page url

Here is an update for the previous week from Feb 18 to Feb 24:

Here is what a typical day (Feb 22) looks like:

Please send URL

please send URL

Send me url. Im serious buyer. Also I would like to know price too.

Added a premium and verified tag as this is a very good property. I please ask everyone not to low-ball this seller. This is a 5-digit property that is extremely popular in a very desirable niche.

Pm details

Thanks for the note. Really appreciate you protecting the seller. Having said that, I’m sure you’re aware that the latest round of Facebook changes is impacting all pages and driving reach to almost zero. I’ve seen pages with over 12M likes who would get over 400K reach on articles drop to 2.

Can you please quantify how this is a 5-digit property?

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Article reach can drop to 0 and it won’t affect this page as you shouldn’t be using articles to earn money from this page. The audience is moms looking for advice,

This is what I was planning to do with the page:

This page should be used to build out a website. You can post the questions and answers on the site and earn money from Adsense or by promoting baby products with affiliate programs. You get the traffic from search engines and some of that traffic should filter over to the page as well.

Right away, you can promote baby products related to the question in the comments and earn some affiliate income. You get about 50 to 100 questions per day and you can fit product placement in to them.

You can use the trademark and find a private label baby products manufacturer to put the name on the product. Promote the products on the page, website, create a branded Amazon store, etc…

Partner with an already existing baby or parenting website and be their go to Facebook page for parenting advice.

There are also only a handful of this specific type of page this size (mom question and answer type). I believe this is the second largest one in terms of likes.

There is a lot of potential with what you can do with this page if you put the effort into it.

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