85K page in the cat niche. 40% USA AND OG EMAIL

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 85K
Topic/Niche: CATS
Does it include the OG (original) email?: YES
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): ORGANIC

Description: This is a page in the cat niche with fantastic engagement (5-10%) that was grown organically from scratch. 40% of audience is USA, 6% is UK and 4% is Canada so around 50% is top tier countries. OG Email is also included. Followers are dropping because the page had been inactive for some time, but that is starting to change as the reach has increased dramatically in the past few weeks. Posts constantly reaching the explore page. Feel free to message me if you are interested! :blush:



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