92,000 monetized Gaming YouTube Channel for sale

im still waiting for 5-7 days
why ? this channel is big that why im waiting for 5-7 days !
last offer $X,XXX !
once one guy will buy it he will be able to CLAIM YouTube BUTTON ! that why im waiting for a 5-7 days
can i get $X,XXX as best offer ? Lets see !

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well , lets wait for more offers !
last offer $X,XXX ! awaiting for more

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You have safety concerns? Why?
Pm link and current offer

because im not 20 years old
once i will have completed some deals it will be removed , ask to swapd please for more detail
pm sent

They told you why you have a Safety Concern wow…
They wont tell me, They said @SWAPD there not allowed to state that, and the worst part is I’h done nothing :crazy_face:

Everyone under age of 20 get the badge on SWAPD.

i got this answer

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inbox link and current offer

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inbox link and current offer

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pm sent


simply saying :smiley: about offers

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Ive updated Payment method and i will accept only BankWire !
Awaiting offers from 0 !

Link please

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pm sent

Can you send the link please?

yep but one guy is buying for $X,XXX

pm me the link

Can you DM link please?

please send link