+93k lessbian fanPAGE

Country of followers (majority): egypt
Amount of followers:93,000
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):Follow Unfollow

lessbian (lgbt) fan paga based in arabic countries (especially) egypt and saudi arabia

Property type: facebookPAGE
Amount of fans/followers: 93,000+
Country of followers (majority): egypt
Topic/Niche: lgbt, lessbian, lifestyle
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: Nope
Age Range - 18-24 - 85% men

Description: A Fun & Unique lessbian page.

Makes instagram’s Top Posts Hashtags’
Impressions; 120,000+ Weekly.
Reach; 600,000+ Weekly.
You can:
Promote your own Business or others (profits)
Advertise/Collaborate in return for payments/freebies
Grow/Build up additional accounts
A Lucrative business investment if used properly.

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