113k Cat Page ~ 13M impressions weekly

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 113,000
Topic/Niche: Cats
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic


This page is extremely active and is currently growing 4,000+ followers DAILY due to viral posts. The potential on the page is insane. This page has grown over 16,000+ followers in the past WEEK. The current 7 day reach is over 9 Million and impressions are over 11 Million. The impressions over the past 30 days is over 80 million and the reach is 43 million! This page is fantastic. Let me know if you are interested!

handle and c/o and bin

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Has grown over 800 followers today ! :star:

Buy now price and c/o?

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Handle and buy now price?

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This page has grown over 1,000+ followers today! Growing DAILY :fire:

Page is up to 97,500 now… has gained around 4,000 followers in just 2 days! :eyes: :fire:

Grew 4,000 followers yesterday! Now it is at 100,450 and is growing by the minute.

Still available, this page has grown over 18,000+ followers this WEEK

I will sell to whoever is willing to pay $1,200+ fees today!

User banned.