A Popular name FB page with gray badge growing organically

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 278 EDIT - already at 313
Topic/Niche: Humor
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): None, all organic.


The page’s name is a very popular name on Facebook and it has a lot of pages with the same name. ( Humor Niche )
It is very hard to get a verified badge to a page with a name like this.

I posted a few photos and got hundreds of reach without sharing it anywhere, it just got reach and engagement organic because it’s a page that has a Gray Verified Badge with a very popular name, so it’s one of the first results when people search it.

The page is gaining 20 likes per week on average without doing anything.


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Can u send me page link


still up for sale

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