Copyright Infringement Unban for IG & FB! - Uniq Service!

We activate accounts that have been disabled due to copyright infringement.

Some copyright violations can be hidden in your account. All detected copyright infringement issues will be resolved. The account will be reactivated.

What do i need:

Screenshot of the email of the copyright infringement notice sent to you:
Unresolved copyright / strikes email screenshot:
Instagram Username:
Registered e-mail address:

  • The brand or name of the person who submitted a copyright infringement notice
  • Number and type of followers of the account

Price information is provided for the account.

Payment method: Bank transfer // BTC

Timeline: 24 Hours to 4 Weeks (Usually fast.)



Any chance you’re able to offer this for Facebook pages that have been unpublished?

Unfortunately, I only offer this service for instagram accounts.


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Now I’m ready to start a ticket.