Active Facebook page, 20.7k+ followers, perfect for dating services

Country of followers (majority): India, Pakistan, USA
Amount of fans/followers: 20.700+
Topic/Niche: ating Services, Beautiful Women
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): 100% organic

Description: Hello,

Selling great Facebook page with around 20.7k+ followers, 100% real and 100% organic followers.

Page is active daily and gets a lot of messages from followers.

It generates around 100 to 150$ monthly trough kind of dating services business method that is givien away and completely explained with page, too.

Method is almost 100% automatic, when you get payment you need to send photo or something and that is all.
All process towards payment is automatic, as well as publishing of posts, which is all explained as well.

Page is growing with pretty decent speed, every day and every week, one more time - automaticly, with out and obligation of yours, you just set it and it goes.

Page does not have any ban whatsoever, and it never did, it is fully operational and functional.

Please offer your price, keeping in mind that full business method is given with page, method that already has profit and that everything is automatic, and that page is fully organic with all functions.

Thank you, and best of luck.7k%20followers%201


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