Approved TABOOLA PUBLISHER account | Netflix related domain | $350 + Fees TODAY

Account type: Taboola Publisher Account
Price: $450 + Swapd Fees

The account is approved a few weeks ago.
Ready to make revenue, all widgets are created.

Account contain original email + domain transfer + taboola login.

Payment via Bank Transfer or Transferwise.
Pm me for domain

is it possible to implement it on another website without going through approval process?

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Sorry that’s not possible, it’s necessary to go through the approval process but on already approved accounts, it is very much easy to get your domain approved in the taboola account. All you have to do is request and new domain will be added.

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Domain name: j u s t n e t f l i x .com

Im in. Please ping me as I have a few questions regarding the exclusivity agreement that comes with the domain.

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Still available.

Have a good day everyone.


Still available - 350$ + fees TODAY!

Im interested. So to be clear this is already tied to an existing site or domain?

interested, dm the details

Details please

Guys, this taboola Isn’t available now, however if anyone wants taboola publisher acc can PM me. I can make on orders.