Business Related Instagram @

Property type: OG Instagram
Why is it unique?: Job/Business related handle
Price: $300

Hint: An ********** is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time. Once confined to medical graduates, **********s are used for a wide range of placements in businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies.

PM me for the handle

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How much?

@ pls

username please

very interested - please PM me the account, thanks!

No set price, I’m accepting the best offer.

Interested, send the handle my way! Thanks

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Looking to bump this to the top.

I’ll do $300 for the next 48 hours.

handle please

username pls

I have replied to everyone. Make an offer and I might work out a deal with you.

handle pls


The @ please

Looking to get this sold soon. HMU with an offer and I may make a deal.


Looking to make deals today

Willing to do $200 within next 48 hours.

Does it come with OGE?