Channel 133k, 144k Eligible to Monetization / Both for 850$

Amount of subscribers: 144k and 133k
Country of subscribers (majority): Brazil
Topic/Niche: Games
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic
Only accept BTC and Transferwise
133k : Description: It’s a great channel, previous content was from Fortnite and is now from Free Fire, has been monetized previously and can be monetized again, has no strikes or active warnings and old videos have been deleted.
Prints :

144k : Description: Videos from the channel were excluded, but in total they had over 9 million views
Prints :
Separate $ 450 each

Pm me links

Likks pls


sent to everyone


please send the links

sold @moderators

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