(Cheapest on site) IG Username Claims | Non-Generic | Trusted Off Site Seller With $4M+ In Transactions | Price - $1400+ (Doing Freshes)

*Just look at the username and you should know who I am :wink:

Service type: Instagram Username Claim & Change Service
Price: $1400+ (Depending on Case)


Instagram Username Claim & Change Service

  • Claimable Usernames must be unique and not active

  • Cannot do anything Crytpo or Finance related

  • Claims must be 6L+

  • Claims are done through a top-end media portal & sometimes rep

  • Fast TATs

  • Contact us about Fresh account changes

Please DM us if you have any questions!

hey can you still do it?

if so please send proof of previous claims

Hello are you still available for this ?


Is this service still active?

Yes PM!