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Why no videos?

Original owner deleted all the videos when he decided he was going to sell it so that his image would not be associated with whatever the next person does on the account. Kinda sucks that it has 0 likes but what can ya do?

You can like, ummm… I don’t know. Upload a video? Anyone buying this will want to see the activity. We will not even allow the sale of this without a few videos uploaded, so I am unlisting this until you do that.

Sure, I gotchu :+1:t2:

1 Like

@SWAPD can you un-unlist it now that it has a video?

Whats user?


Pm me

Can i see the activity? I’m interested

handle please

pm’d you :slight_smile:

Pm’d you too

pm user name


I want to buy

I want to buy

Can you send me the handle and best offer?