DIAMOND SELLER l YouTube Verification Service [NO REQUIREMENTS]

Service type: YouTube Verification
Price: 800 + Swapd Fees

Time Frame: Few hours!

I am able to verify any YouTube account. NO REQUIREMENTS.
Every other YouTube verification service on site requires 100k subs min I DO NOT.
I have no requirement just simply send the YouTube link.


Great unique service!

GL @Hooper!!!

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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What method do you use

Recently just got partnerships with them

Is it through an MCN?

I have partnerships with YouTube

So its not through Multi-Channel-Network or Distribution Portal?

I know some MCNs like Freedom allow you to do so but you have to get approved and whatnot.

Interested please

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It’s on the listing

Oh sorry didn’t saw it

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NO REQUIREMENT But 100k sub is a requirement,
So you don’t need 100k sub?

Where in my listing did I say 100k sub is a requirement ?

So no 100k sub needed then I will have some clients for you sir

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Correct shoot me a pm

Tickets started

@Hooper Badged my yt

Are there any risks to this what so ever? Check removal? Account deletion?

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Haven’t had this happen to any of my accounts I’ve badged ! @Gogu

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