ENABLE Reach Again For Your Facebook Page! No more "0" REACH

Service type: Enable the reach of your facebook page
Price: 300-400 USD depends on the page size and strikes
If page has multiple strikes (more than 3) the facebook reach will be very very low, but not 0

Description: I can enable the reach of your facebook page again
Service duration? 6 - 12 days
What i need? Facebook admin + you remove yourself from the facebook area but leave the page in the business manager.
Success rate? 100%

First customer gets it FREE so i can verify the service here on SWAPD

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I want to be your first customer Sir

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If you could reduce the prices a bit i can get you pages in bulk. By bulk i mean above 100 pages.

What % would you class as low reach?

Pm me, are you getting strikes removed (im facing issues with reach on videos only)

strikes no my friend. only reach

idk. if you have 1 mil followers and you videos get 1000 reach max. this is because of the strikes

pm and we can talk @FaadixD

pm all

can u pm me ?

pm sent

Pm me

0 reach is a different problem. Post doesn’t get seen by fans at all.

service still up

pm me!

Service shut down. This service got a page deleted for our client, we consider this a risky attempt, so we will not allow it.