🏝️ Private travel portal for wholesale rates > click here


Get access to a private travel portal to book hotels at wholesale rates!

What you get?

  • Your own login
  • 24/7 access
  • Over 1 Million hotels
  • Unlimited bookings

Why is this unique?
Prices shown will beat ANY public price, including those from Expedia, Hotwire, Priceline, etc. - Guaranteed

1 year access: $750 + fees
3 year access: $1,300 + fees
TAT: 24 hours


DM me for a demo and to get access!

Disclaimer: Not all room types are available for discounts. A majority of the time, the room type discounted is whatever the first option is on 3rd party websites like Expedia, Priceline, etc., which is usually a king bed or two queens. If you travel solo or with a significant other, this is perfect. Since discounts are not applied to upgraded room types or suites, this is not really suitable for families. Discounts vary by city, hotel, dates, and duration of stay. We have a large overhead to run this service, but you will not be charged a monthly access fee. All transactions regarding your membership will take place here on Swapd.


Available for India users?

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Yes, available for Indian users. Feel free to message me a specific hotel and dates and I can send a comparison


Boss i want this @Brant

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I want this deal

DM to get access

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Please Dm me how much u are charging and how it works.

There’s no way they can do it except stolen credit card ( or they’re buying points)

I recently bought a membership of this. I can assure you that it’s not stolen credit cards.

I will soon be booking my first listing and will keep all the concerned users informed of the experience.

However, please be aware most savings are only for guest rooms and 1 bedrooms so it becomes quite expensive if you travel with family, also there’s lack of perks such as free breakfast etc…


Can vouch for @GOAT! I’ve made several bookings already with no issues :slight_smile:


Is there any video of this website and how the booking process works?

I can take a video for you and DM it. It’s similar to Expedia and Priceline… just a search bar with hotels

Update: sent you a video


@GOAT you should start giving demo login’s so that people can browse through themselves, this would help clear any doubts people may have.


Who wants to start saving big $ on travel? PM me

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Any demo link to see what hotels the plan includes