Extremely active Instagram 154k memes / vines - Followed by multiple celebrities

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 154.000
Topic/Niche: Memes / Vines
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: Account is easy to maintain with extremely loyal followers (average 13k likes on a post). Followed by a Stranger Things actor with 14.5 million followers, a meme account with 13 million followers and an American celebrity with 2.2 million followers.


Unlisted until you crop or hide the username on the screenshots, thank you.

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On a first glance, things look good enough for premium.

Pls pm

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Done :white_check_mark:

pm handle and current offer or BIN?

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Done :white_check_mark:

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Hello pm handle and current offer

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Done :white_check_mark:

Handle and current offer please

Username and price pls

Done :white_check_mark:

Send price

Done :white_check_mark:

Pm the account pls

Done :white_check_mark:

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Handle and best offer please