Facebook Business manager 875 Pages

Country of followers (majority): Only USA
Amount of followers: 2,200,000
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):

I have a business manager 875 pages usa 100% pages like 1900-4900
total all pages likes +2,200,000

Remember : pages are used with the application. you must post to the application and automatically post will appear in all pages, this is for ease of work


Can you provide the link to your pages and potentially make us an analyst to see the stats on the pages?

Plase pm page links.

with these pages before 1 month with instant articles I did $ 1500 for 3 weeks

What are some of the page niches?

send page URLs of top 10 pages please

Viral news, usa gossips etc… only link post no video no photo

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