Facebook Group

Hello Swapd users! Today I’m going to talk about Facebook groups

We are not allowed to sell our facebook groups because SWAPD says, Facebook groups are not safe to sell (Easy to bull back) Today I want to solve this problem.

First of all, when a person is going to buy a Facebook group ( SWAPD / Seller / Buyer ) can see who’s invited to become an admin of a group. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE ?

Step by step! I hope this information is helpful!

  1. go to Facebook and visit your group

  2. click " Members "
    after this, you will be able to check your members. it helps you to find out who’s invited as an Admin & Manager

  1. Scroll Down and find out " Invited Admins & Moderators (if you can not see any invited members then it means none has been invited as an Admin & Manager)

  1. After you find out the section of people who have been invited as an Admin & Manager you will be able to see their invites lists.

  1. Well, Now you can cancel his invite. How? Click and CANCEL ADMIN & MODERATOR INVITE

Screen Shot 2021-07-03 at 21.15.02

  1. All Done! His/invite to become an Admin & Manager was canceled! Now you are safe.

Screen Shot 2021-07-03 at 21.15.20

What do you think about this update? SWAPD I think you should give it a try! All you need to have is a Facebook group


There’s a method to recover groups with deactivated accounts which bypasses this

Now you can make your page as an admin in the groups so now one can get it back

i’m with you we need to sell groups

what method ?

This method was patched way before swapd stopped groups selling ! there is alot of other new methods to recover groups.

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Thats weird… can you share with me how they are recovering if you have a little time ? i am very interested.

Thank you!

@hamyeloued it’s still around, main victims these days are people who use m.facebook.com because the UI hasn’t been updated

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I want to sell a us pitbull group 183k but i ant poat the topic really sad

pm when you online

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