Facebook Page Name Change Service - (Fastest & Cheapest)

Since my very own rename service got paused due to lockdown.

I had an urgent need of renaming and he did it like a charm.

100% legit :fire:

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Thanks Manā€¦!!!

Pm price

PM Doneā€¦!!!


PM DONEā€¦!!!

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What is the Price & Can you do verified?

Just an update. Iā€™m going to PASS on this guy. REFUSED to tell me whether or not he could do this service for Verified pages. Refused to give me any kind of price, price range or pricing method, until Iā€™d tell him what the page is. Seems shady to me


How much for page 300k (albanian language)

PM MEā€¦!!!

I have page 30k , PM me

pm price!

Pm price

PMedā€¦!!! :white_check_mark:


PMedā€¦!!! :call_me_hand: :white_check_mark:

I am very interested in this.

Is the service still available?

How long does it take to complete the service delivery?

PMedā€¦!!! :call_me_hand: :white_check_mark:

its saying i cant change my name for a while can you bypass the system?

Taking Ordersā€¦!!! :call_me_hand: :white_check_mark:

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