Funny videos/memes YouTube channel for sale

Amount of subscribers: 109K
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Funny videos/mems
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): No

Description: I am selling a YouTube channel. The channel is inactive for 3 years. I used to post funny videos/memes and the channel was very active at that time and got a lot of views and comments (average video got over 250k views). I stopped posting because I started a new job and did not have time to work on it.
The channel might be inactive now, but I am sure if you are willing to work on or rebrand it, you will make a huge profit. Below are some stats from 2017.

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Link please

Link sir

What’s your best price?

Link and current bid pls. Thank you

Link and current price please

Link and current bid please!

send link and c/o please

PLease share the url , i am interested in this

Hey dude, Kindly send the link


Pls share the url and cost and analytics and monetisation status…

Handle and price?



Link, Price & Montized?


Current offer?