Google Knowledge Panel [VIP SELLER]

Service type: PERSONAL Google verification/panel
Price: $210+fees

OR Panel + IMDB profile: $300

OR add social media profiles to your profile:$200

TAT: up to 3-4 weeks, usually quicker
PR is not a requirement :slight_smile:

If you’d like to start a ticket, please pm me:

Title: Writer, Entrepreneur, Blogger, etc
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Country of Birth
Education ( College or university)
6-7 images
Bio ( About Yourself)
Social Profiles
Personal website (if applicable)

NOTES AS OF 3/7/22

Ranking is NOT a condition of this service. I am NOT Google and I can’t tell you how their engine will view your panel.

Similarly, please don’t expect all of the info you’ve provided us to show up. This service is for panel creation, claim, and subsequent google verification

If your panel randomly disappears after a few weeks or months, we are not liable. I can’t control the impression you make on google offsite–I’m just giving you a base to start with.

If you have no PR, your panel probably won’t rank…

^Stating this explicitly so there is no ambiguity in future tickets

Love you all and the interest in this listing :heart:



Pm. Need more detail since Google pandl been playing hard these days.

Responded to all.

Some notes:

Please don’t ask me to claim your already existing panel.
Please don’t send me businesses.

PM me

Bump—can’t take on new orders for a couple weeks but starting a waitlist for anyone who is interested in reserving a spot :slight_smile:

1 Like

Bump-2 panels created onsite, working on their claims now :slight_smile:

If you are successful in adding details such as social media to it letme know.
Google Hasn’t been responding to suggestions from months now most of the gkp services are down due to that.


Pm me the required information I put on the listing :slight_smile:

i am interested please drop me the more info


Bump! 1 slot open starting tomorrow :slight_smile:

Service still available or have to wait?

Bump! 1 slot open, first to PM gets it :slight_smile:

1 ticket closed onsite

ill try it out

Offhand note: the floodgates are open! Send me all your requests, there’s no longer a limit on how many tickets I can start for this :slight_smile:

Are you able to do musicians GKP with distribution channel listing and social media links ?


I can do distribution, but not artist panels. I can, however, make a normal panel with the title of “artist” :slight_smile: